Thursday, June 28, 2012

Rise Above

I have got to just every women out there who has been made to feel like she is beneath or below men in any way whatsoever, you have equal partnership with men! Eve was the answer to the problem that Adam was alone. 
You are an answer not a problem. 
You have been given a measure of strength that needs to be utilized! Use your strength like a woman, not like a man. Don't you ever settle for a man who thinks you are beneath him. I've heard some use scripture to try to make that point - that is not the heart of God! We as man & woman were given dominion over this earth and its inhabitants but not over each other. Find a man who will see your strength and use it to his advantage. 
When both the strengths come together - they become unstoppable. 
Satan is all about division because if he can get the men for themselves only or the women for themselves only he's won. Remember, the male is the representation of the image of God & the female is the representation of the likeness of God, when they come together in marriage they make the full representation of God on this earth! Wives partner your strength with your husband's and see what God does. Single women, NEVER settle for a man who doesn't see your worth or your strength, if he's the right one, he won't be intimidated by it, he'll see it as a benefit! 
Love you ladies!

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